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Log Cabins in Elkhart County

There are four tiny houses on the east side of US-33, just south of the small town of Benton, in rural Elkhart County, Indiana. Two of them are log cabins, and the others are more conventional wood-frame buildings.

The walls inside of the larger of the two log houses are covered in faded photographs of classic cars take from old calendars. In addition, the house is filled with religious signs, bumper stickers, and decorations proclaiming the former owner's faith in Christ.

The current owner, who lives down the road from them, is trying to fix the cabins up to make them habitable again. He believes that they were originally built as a motel in the 1930s.

When he bought them, they had sat abandoned for several years after the former owner, an elderly man who was dying of cancer, and his wife, were taken out of the cabin by the man's son. This man was the one who put up all of the religious stuff and the photos of cars.




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