[ 14 ] Items

Little Shop of Laura's

Little Shop of Laura's is a small resale shop located in an old Spanish-syle stucco building on the corner of Broadway and Stophlet Street in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The building has had a number of different businesses in it over the years, most of them short-lived. Laura Hancock has had her shop there for a few years now.

There was an old wooden glider bench sitting on the sidewalk, in an arched alcove on the side of the building facing Broadway. In 2014, Laura painted it to look like the American flag, and installed a chalk board on the wall above it. Sometimes, the chalkboard advertises a sale at the shop; but most of the time it has inspirational messages that Laura writes on it. These change frequently, and I have photographed the bench and chalkboard numerous times over the years to show them. She removed the bench in the summer of 2018 because people were breaking pieces of it off.




[ 14 ] Items